
Articles Posted in How to Purchase a NFA Title II (Class 3) Firearm


How to Fill out an ATF FORM 4 For NFA Class 3 Purchases

Many People have asked, How to fill out a form 4 when making class 3 purchases.  Because of this, we have added a page on this topic.  Please see How to Fill out an ATF FORM 4 For NFA Class 3 Purchases If you need help forming a trust, please…


NFA Criminal Conduct

The National Firearms Act defines what is criminal conduct.  The prohibited activities include but are not limited to: Engaging in the business of firearms (manufacturing, importing, selling) without a license and tax; Receiving a firearms in violation of the act; Possessing a firearms in violation of the NFA; Receiving or…


NFA Firearms and Criminal Penalties

Violations of the NFA are punishable by 10 years in prison, forfeiture of all devices or firearms in violation, and the individuals right to own or possess additional firearms in the future.  In addition, there is a penalty of $10,000 for each of certain violations. In addition, a willful attempt…


Valid Reasons for NFA trust in other State

Generally when creating a NFA trust, one must look to the laws of their state and how they affect the right to own a class III firearm. What happens if you live in New York or any state where some Class III firearms are banned but plan to use and…


Owning NFA Firearms with a Dealer’s license

Some NFA firearms collectors, who are not engaged in any firearms business, have been known to acquire a GCA license to deal in firearms and pay the NFA special tax to acquire NFA firearms for their personal firearms collections. This is not a wise thing to do and violates the…


How to set up a revocable living trust to purchase National Firearms Act (NFA) or Class 3 weapons

Do you want to purchase a Class 3 item?  These include Silencers, Sort barreled rifles, and Machine Guns.  You need to check and see if you are allowed to own the weapon you desire. 1) Check your state to see if that weapon is permitted.2) Check to see if your…


Constructive Possession of Class 3 Firearms

Constructive possession is a legal fiction to describe a situation where an individual has actual control over property without actually having physical control of the same assets. At law, a person with constructive possession stands in the same legal position as a person with actual possession. When an individual purchases…


NFA Trust and Purchase of Class 3 Items

If you live in a city in where the Chief law Enforcement Officer (CLEO) will not or easily sign a Form 4, there are several solutions. Class 3 Weapons include suppressors, , short barrel rifles, machine guns, and other destructive devices. The most common solution is to create a NFA…

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