
NFA Gun Trust Lawyer Blog


NFA Trusts: Silencer Manufacture Provides Invalid Forms to Clients for Title II Purchases

While many dealers provide Trusts and help clients fill our Trust Documents ( a violation of law in most states), this was the first time I had run across a Manufacture of Title II firearms who was providing trusts to clients. This Trust was not being completed by the Class…


ATF Form 1 (5320.1)for SBR/SBS with multiple barrel lengths

When submitting a Form 1 to the ATF for a SBR or SBS with multiple barrel lengths, the ATF will no longer accept a Form 1 with multiple barrel lengths. It is recommended that you submit the ATF Form 1 (5320.1) with a single barrel length for approval. Follow this…


Update: – Free NFA Trust Form for Class 3, Title II purchases.

I was contacted by the firearms dealer offering the Free downloads of the NFA trust and they have removed the links on their website. Since being contacted, by this dealer I have had reports of other dealers in Florida, Texas, Arizona, Utah, Nevada, and South Carolina who are offering Free…


How to Fill out an ATF 5320.1 Form 1 for a NFA Trust

When filling out a Form 1 for the first time with your NFA trust it can be confusing. With an ATF Form 4, there is typically a dealer involved or someone who has done it before so there are not as many questions. I have created a page on How…


Do trustees of the NFA Gun Trust have to fill out forms, be fingerprinted, or have a background check by the CLEO?

While a trustee needs to sign the Form 4 or Form 1, no additional paperwork is required because a NFA Gun Trust is being used. Other Trustee’s do not need to sign the paperwork, if you are using a properly drafted NFA trust that authorized any Trustee to make the…


Free NFA Trust Form for Class 3, Title II purchases.

Free NFA Trusts from your dealer – are they worth the paper they are written on, or could you face jail time for relying on bad advise from your dealer? Recently I was contacted by a client who’s gun dealer provides their clients a free Revocable Trust to purchase NFA…

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