
NFA Gun Trust Lawyer Blog


Virgina removes Tennesse Handgun Permit from Reciprocity-Updated

Updated 820-2008 Virginia has returned Tennessee to the list of states in which it honors handgun permits. Virginia currently honors Alaska, Florida, Kentucky, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, and West Virginia   Florida and West Virginia do not honor Virginia permits.The following states honor each Virginia’s and Virginia honor’s theirs…


NFA Criminal Conduct

The National Firearms Act defines what is criminal conduct.  The prohibited activities include but are not limited to: Engaging in the business of firearms (manufacturing, importing, selling) without a license and tax; Receiving a firearms in violation of the act; Possessing a firearms in violation of the NFA; Receiving or…


NFA Firearms and Criminal Penalties

Violations of the NFA are punishable by 10 years in prison, forfeiture of all devices or firearms in violation, and the individuals right to own or possess additional firearms in the future.  In addition, there is a penalty of $10,000 for each of certain violations. In addition, a willful attempt…


First Court interpretation of Florida Guns at Work Law

Florida Employers have to let employees keep guns in their cars if they have a concealed weapons permit. But, businesses can still have a no gun policy for customers for now. U.S. District Judge Robert L. Hinkle  states that there is no second amendment right to bring your gun to…

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