
Laredo Man Gets 10 Years for Illegal Possession

Today the ATF announced that a Laredo man was sentenced to 10 years for the illegal possession of a firearm. It is important to understand who can and who cannot own, possess, or use firearms whether they are Title I or Title II firearms. Just because you might not consider a silencer a firearm, its possession is limited in the same way a regular pistol is. While there is not official duty to ask if someone is prohibited, its wise to do so because not only is the possession of an item subject to the NFA regulated, but the transfer (handing it to them or allowing them to have access to it) is also regulated and could subject each of you to 10 years in jail and up to a $250,000 penalty per occurrence.

Our NFA Gun Trusts ( the basic and the new asset protection firearms trust) both allow the people involved with your trust to understand who is prohibited and who is not. Often people do not even know that they have lost their firearms rights and it is important to have them understand when they are a prohibited person as well as allow you to know whether a family member or friend is prohibited now and in the future.

If you would like to discuss asset protection for your firearms or creating a gun trust to own your firearms including Title II firearms, we would be happy to help you find a local Gun Trust Lawyer to create a trust for you.

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