
UN Gun Treaty – Discussions and Vote to Begin March 18, 2013 in NY

What is probably the most serious threat to American gun owners in decades may achieve much of what many of the new bills before Congress are trying to achieve.

The UN Gun Treaty should ban the future transfer of most small arms (pistols, and rifles) if those guns could cause damage to another state. While this makes sense for a submarine, missile or nuclear bomb, the Treaty makes no provision for the difference between a Glock and a nuclear bomb.

For several years the NRA has talking about what it depicts as an international conspiracy to “grab your guns” or “restrict rights to buy certain firearms in the future.”

While it is too early to tell what the final Treaty if approved will sate, one can review the previous version to see what the Gun Treaty is attempting to accomplish. If you would like to see a previous version with some commentary follow this link to the UN Gun Treaty

The UN Gun Treaty may prohibit the future purchase and transfer of small arms (pistols and rifles). We are still recommending that is you are allowed to, you should transfer all firearms and magazines into your Gun Trust as soon as possible. If you have a NFA Trust or trust designed only for NFA firearms, you should investigate upgrading your trust to deal with all firearms. For those with substantial value in their firearms and accessories a multi-generational asset protection gun trust may be the solution for your and your family. If you would like to contact a Gun Trust Lawyer® use the contact form on the right side of this page.

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