
Louisiana Hunting with Suppressors legal effective August 1, 2014

Yesterday, the Governor of Louisiana signed House Bill 186 into law. This law will legalize the use of suppressors while hunting for all game and non-game animals in the state of Louisiana. The law is effective August 1, 2014. The current trend in the United States is to legalize the use of suppressors while hunting. Over 30 states now permit the use of a suppressors while hunting either game or non-game animals. This year, three states, including Georgia and Alabama have legalized hunting with suppressors and give hunters the ability to protect their hearing.

The ASA reports that a similar measure is in progress in Ohio. Louisiana statute even allows for the use of suppressors while hunting non-game animals.

Under the National Firearms Act, an individual, trust, or business entity may purchase a suppressor. A Gun Trust is designed to allow for multiple people to be in possession of the suppressor which is not allowed with an individual purchase. In addition, a purchase by a Gun Trust can speed up the process by removing the necessity to obtain a CLEO sign-off and when the ATF brings back electronic filing, a Trust application for a Form 4 purchase from an FFL can be filed electronically which can reduce the time for approval.

A Gun Trust can be designed and used to purchase and own all types of firearms, even those not restricted by the NFA. To find out more about how a Gun Trust can help you, contact a Gun Trust Lawyer®

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