
Florida to Discuss Hunting with Suppressor Next Week

I received an email regarding a clarification of the previous version of this blog.
The email I received was to clarify what was happening and stated that there will be discussions with their Commissioners to let them know that they are taking a look at the issue of hunting GAME animals with a suppressor in Florida and plans to bring a draft rule change for the Commission’s consideration at the September Commission meeting.

At that time, the proposal would be to allow the use of suppressors for hunting Game animals. The hunting of Game animals in is permitted in a majority of states and Florida, which usually leads the nation in gun legislation, is clearly in the minority.

No action or decision on the issue will take place next week and it would likely be many months before such a rule change could become effective.

Remember that no action or decision will request from Commissioners on this issue next week, it is only to let the Commission know that the FFW, Division of Hunting and Game Management is thinking of making such a proposal in September.

Currently it is not legal to hunt Game animals with suppressors in Florida, but some hunting with suppressors is permitted in Florida. If you would like to know what is permitted, please see this article on Hunting in Florida with a Suppressor.

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